• Vicky is currently our Town Supervisor and was a former President of the CCCSD Board of Education. more

  • Holly McCall is currently serving on our Town Board as a Councilwoman and was previously Vice President of the CCSD Board of Education. more

  • Eric is a Chappaqua resident serving on the Town’s Holocaust & Human Rights Committee and serves as a District Leader with the New Castle Democratic Committee. more

Representative and responsive governance, where everyone is welcome, heard, and included.

Lead with integrity, transparency, accountability and collaboration.

Revitalize hamlets through smart sustainable growth.

Mix of housing options for a healthy multi-generational environment.

Support diversity, equity, and inclusion to build community and a sense of belonging.

Protect our environment, open spaces, wooded parklands and our biodiversity.

Promote increased programming and enjoyment of the arts and recreational opportunities.

Ensure representation of residents in all areas of New Castle.

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